Topic Mel Pro

Mel 037D

Practice at least 5 times Our brains are designed to protect us from those things, because our brains are trying to keep us alive. ←PrevNext→

Mel 037C

Practice at least 5 times Our brains are. designed. to protect us. from those things. because. our brains are. trying. to keep us. alive. ←PrevNext→

Mel 036D

Practice at least 5 times the way that our minds are wired and the fact about human beings is that we are not designed to do things that are uncomfortable or scary or difficult. ←PrevNext→

Mel 036C

Practice at least 5 times the way. that. our minds are wired. and. the fact about human beings is. that. we are not designed. to do things. that are uncomfortable. or scary. or difficult. ←PrevNext→